Digital Policies


Website Accessibility Standard

We strive to make this website and all of its content compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA), Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA. If any of the content on this site is not accessible, we can provide it to you in an accessible format upon request by email at


This website and the materials and images appearing within it are protected by Canadian copyright law. Except as otherwise provided for under Canadian copyright law, such website, articles and images may not be copied, published, distributed, downloaded or otherwise stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or converted, in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

We only produce reports, designs, content and marketing material in instances where we own the copyright. In some cases, we obtain the right to use graphics and other organization's materials and cannot permit reproduction. While you may print off our materials for personal use, to protect your organization, please email before using or adapting our content for distribution other than that stated on the material.


Posted Information

The information presented on this site has been posted for general information purposes only. It is subject to change without notice. As such, the information is not intended as a replacement or substitution for a consultation with a qualified professional. Since this information is not presented for legal support, diagnosis or treatment of any health- related condition or concern, Understanding Our Food Systems accepts no responsibility for any reliance on this information for those purposes.

Since individual circumstances vary, Understanding Our Food Systems recommend that you consult a qualified professional for your legal, personal health care needs and concerns.

Email Use

No communication with Understanding Our Food Systems that is made through this site’s email or feedback functions should be considered to be confidential. Please contact us in-person where confidentiality is required.

Any emails sent shall in no way be considered to constitute legal notice to Understanding Our Food Systems or any of its officers, employees or representatives concerning any existing or potential claim or cause of action against Understanding Our Food Systems and any of its officers, employees or representatives.

Web-Based Health Information

All web-based health information should be carefully reviewed. We comply with the Health on the Net Foundation (see: standards for Health Information on the Internet.

Links to Third Party Sites

This website contains links to third-party websites that are created and maintained by agencies not administered by Understanding Our Food Systems, our partners, members or funding partners. While we only include those sites that we believe to be of benefit for our visitors, these links are provided as a convenience, and the inclusion of these links does not imply that Understanding Our Food Systems endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or uses of these third-party websites. Because of this, we make no guarantee as to the availability of these sites and are not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of any content on these sites.

We are not responsible for the information collection, use, disclosure or other privacy practices of any third party, including our affiliates, third-party service providers, any third-party social media platform, any third party making available the devices or operating systems for which the site is available, and any third party operating any website to which the site contains a link. You may have rights directly enforceable against these third parties so you should consider their privacy policies to learn more.


In line with Principle 8 - 'Honesty in Advertising & Editorial policy' of the Health on the Net Foundation, no advertisements are accepted on this site. Understanding Our Food Systems are not-for- profit organizations and do not accept paid advertising.

Some of our campaigns do benefit from funding or in-kind contributions of other parties, including commercial enterprises. We will acknowledge their help where appropriate.

Personal Information Protection Policy

Understanding Our Food Systems is committed to safeguarding the personal information shared with us by our members and visitors. We manage your personal information under Ontario's Personal Information Protection Act, the Personal Information and Electronic Documents Act (or PIPEDA) and other applicable laws. This policy outlines the principles and practices we follow in protecting your personal information.

This policy applies to Understanding Our Food Systems and any person providing services on our behalf. A copy of this policy is provided to any visitor on request.

What is Personal Information?

Personal information means information about an identifiable individual. This may include but is not limited to an individual’s name, home address and phone number, age, gender, marital or family status, an identifying number, financial information and educational history.

What Personal Information Is Collected?

We collect only the personal information that we need for providing services to our members, visitors and partners, including personal information required to:

• deliver requested services and support;

• enroll a member in the organization; and

• send out applicable membership or event information.

We typically collect personal information directly from our members. We may collect your information from other persons with your consent or as authorized by law.

Our members, partners and applicable visitors are notified when their personal information is collected. The only time we don't provide this notification is when a member or visitor volunteers information for a definite purpose. A typical example would include producing a credit card to pay an event registration fee when the information is used only to process the payment.


A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that is transferred from a website to the hard drive of your computer so that the website may identify separate visitors to the site and track users’ activities on the website. A cookie will not transmit and personally identifiable information to a website. Understanding Our Food Systems uses cookies only to keep track of how many people visit the Understanding Our Food Systems website and how frequently each page is visited. Each individual movement of any user cannot be tracked while on the site. Cookies are only used to track page traffic for statistical purposes and to improve the quality of the site and meet your needs. For more information on cookies, please refer to your browser’s settings.


We ask for consent to collect, use or disclose client personal information, except in specific circumstances where collection, use or disclosure without permission is authorized or required by law. We may assume your consent in cases where you volunteer information for an obvious purpose, such as requesting us to contact you. We assume your permission to continue to use and, where applicable, disclose personal information that we have already collected, for the purpose for which the information was collected.

We ask for your express consent for most purposes. We may not be able to provide certain services if you are unwilling to give consent to the collection, use or disclosure of certain personal information. Where express consent is needed, we will generally ask clients to provide their consent orally (e.g. in person, by telephone) or in writing by signing a consent form.

A member or visitor to our website may withdraw consent to the use and disclosure of personal information at any time unless the personal data is necessary for us to fulfil our legal obligations. We will respect your decision, but we may not be able to provide you with certain products and services if we do not have the necessary personal information.

There are few instances in which we may collect, use or disclose client personal information without consent only as authorized by law. For example, we may not request permission when the collection, use or disclosure is to determine suitability for an honour or award, or in an emergency that threatens life, health or safety.

The Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

We use and disclose client personal information only for the purpose for which the information was collected, except as authorized by law. For example, we may use client contact information to deliver training or workshops.

If we wish to use or disclose your personal information for any new organizational purpose, we will ask for your consent.


Understanding Our Food Systems make every reasonable effort to ensure that personal information is accurate and complete. We rely on individuals to notify us if there is a change to their personal information that may affect their relationship with our organization. If you are aware of an error in our information about you, please let us know, and we will correct it on request wherever possible. In some cases, we may ask for a written request for correction.

Furthermore, Understanding Our Food Systems seeks to use reasonable security measures to help protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of any data shared with us. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. In addition, please note that emails, messages sent via your web browser, and other similar means of communication with other users, are not encrypted. Therefore, while we strive to protect your information, we cannot guarantee its security.

We protect personal information in a manner appropriate for the sensitivity of the data. We make every reasonable effort to prevent any loss, misuse, disclosure or modification of personal information, as well as any unauthorized access to personal information. We use appropriate security measures when destroying personal information, including shredding paper records and permanently deleting and overwriting electronic files.

Please also be aware that we may use third-party cloud service providers that provide hosting, data storage and other services pursuant to standard terms and conditions that may be nonnegotiable; these service providers have informed us or the general public that they apply security measures they consider adequate for the protection of information.

However, we will not be liable for any damages that may result from the misuse of any information, including personal data, by these companies.

Access to Records Containing Personal Information

Individuals have a right to access their personal information in a record that is in custody or under the control of  Understanding Our Food Systems, subject to some exceptions. For example, organizations are required under the Personal Information Protection Act to refuse to provide access to information that would reveal personal information about another individual. If we refuse a request in whole or in part, we will provide the reasons for the refusal. In some cases where exceptions to access apply, we may withhold that information and provide you with the remainder of the record.

You may request access to your personal information by emailing You must provide sufficient information in your request to allow us to identify the information you are seeking. You may request information about our use of your personal information and any disclosure of that information to persons outside our organization. You may also request a correction of an error or omission in your personal information.

Questions and Complaints

If you have a question or concern about any collection, use or disclosure of personal information by Understanding Our Food Systems, or about a request for access to your personal information, please contact

If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you should contact the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario:

Mail or In-Person

Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario 2 Bloor Street East,
Suite 1400 Toronto, ON M4W 1A8
Toronto Area: (416) 326-3333
Long Distance: 1 (800) 387-0073
TTD/TTY: (416) 325-7539
Fax: (416) 325-9195


Social Media

The strategic use of social media engagement is a critical component in assisting Understanding Our Food Systems inform and influence individual and community decisions that lead to positive legislative and health outcomes. We invite you to follow us on one of our platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn. These links can be found in the website headers and footers.

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