Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg

Pic Mobert First Nation

About this Nation

Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg (Pic Mobert First Nation) has two reserves, both of which are located off highway 17, approximately 55 km east of the municipality of Marathon, along the eastern shores of White Lake. Netmizaaggamig Nishnaabeg is governed by a community constitution named Chi-Naakigewin where they assert that the community never ceded, surrendered, or in any way extinguished Aboriginal title to their lands and waters. The community has a registered membership of 1,010 people, with 400 members living in the community.

Food Sovereignty Visions
  • Community Kitchen Range Stove: As identified in the last phase of the project the community’s kitchen is deteriorating and recently the only stove broke and the community wanted to utilize their funding to purchase a new stove for their kitchen space. Once the stove was installed the programming started happening again, the space has become a space where different groups can gather, prepare, store, cook and eat food together. The community is set to meet with the project team early in 2020 to begin work plan development for their community food sovereignty vision.
  • Community Kitchen Workshop Supplies: The community hosts a number of food related workshops from a variety of different programs and has heavy use of their kitchen within their recreation centre. Due to the excessive use and lack of infrastructure funding to support a kitchen renovation or supplies the kitchen and its supplies have begun to deteriorate. For this phase of the project the community choose to replace and purchase new kitchen supplies, wooden spoons, canning supplies, knives, bowls and other useful kitchen supplies. Programs continue to use the new supplies and the kitchen for workshops.